Eating disorders have plagued humanity for longer than one would like to remember. In Rome, people would binge and purge so they could go back and continue to feast on the delicacies prepared. Hearing of this practice in history class, primed my subconscious for the moment I made a conscious decision to try this ritual as a temporary means to get back to what I believed to be my ideal weight. Engaging in this unhealthy method to reset my weight may have stunted my growth. I am the shortest girl out of four, with my mother at 5 foot 11. My three sister’s heights range from 5 foot 5 ½ to 5 foot 8. Oh well, I guess I’ll never know the truth, but the reality is, I’m stuck with being 5 foot 3 ½. The tragedy of any person with an eating disorder who attempts to cheat fate by not trusting in a higher power to guide their life is that they end up sabotaging their health. Because of poor self-control, their life ends up going down a path of self-destruction. With any addiction, there is a price to pay. When you have an eating disorder, there is more to be concerned about than what most people would know about. With bulimia, ox hunger can result, which can cause a person to experience hunger similar to that of a concentration camp victim. In addition to this self-induced starvation, hair, skin elasticity, and muscle loss are just a few other issues that can occur. Having an eating disorder is not just about the need for self-control. There are many who might be quick to judge people caught in the throes of an eating disorder as selfish. For example, it is easy to see how some might perceive binging and purging as greedy behavior. If you grew up in a family with a bulimic, you experienced firsthand what can happen and how his or her actions made you feel. Oftentimes, unintentionally, the bulimic consumes more than their fair share, compromising the future needs of the household. When this happens, family members can be angered at what they deduce as selfishness on the part of the bulimic for not considering the needs of others. The family may begin to resent the bulimic when he or she takes more than his or her fair share. This can cause the bulimic to feel separate, alone, embarrassed, and highly motivated to demonstrate secretive behavior to hide a voracious appetite. With an incessant urge to eat unapologetically, the bulimic attempts to use food as means to find comfort, numb pain, and forget about problems. The low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, and reduced self-confidence that results makes it difficult and really impossible for the bulimic to live to his or her full potential. In the first stages of bulimia, the bulimic feels in control, having discovered a tool to remold his or her life. However, what is being felt is artificial and short-lived confidence that is doomed to backfire and cease to exist when his or her health deteriorates. Some people try to manipulate and navigate their serial impulses by eating at certain times of the day and binging and purging at the opposite times to assure an intake of nutrition. An individual who does this is deceiving him or herself as it can take several days to create certain vitamins within the digestive system. If you eliminate food prior to the creation of essential vitamins needed for the brain, hormones, endocrine health, etc., you cheat yourself of the mental clarity needed to think clearly and to feel happy. When depressed, it becomes more difficult to believe good behavior will lead to the relief of pain. Immediate gratification becomes the perfect band aide to ease pain and to distract the bulimic from doing what needs to be done to heal. Anorexia is similar to bulimia in that the anorexic is attempting to control his or her life by limiting their food intake. The anorexic refuses to eat in an effort to maintain a body weight they believe will attract a better life with people who will accept and support them. The reduction of hunger that results, contributes to the body wasting away, leading to muscle loss and more. Individuals with anorexia fail to see just how thin they are. One day I met a woman in a lady’s room. From the back, I thought she was an old woman. I was shocked when she turned around to reveal the face of a young woman. She was skin and bones with loose hanging skin. She was getting ready to go for a run. I wanted to say something to let her know what I was seeing. I couldn’t bring myself to say what needed to be said for fear of hurting her feelings. Oftentimes, a poor body image can prevent an individual from having the courage to connect with others. To an individual such as this, maintaining an eating disorder is providing the hope that one day it will improve his or her appearance. Instead of improving their situation, an eating disorder will only make matters worse. Irrational fears feed behaviors that keep people caught in a cycle of addiction that wears away the self-confidence needed to heal. Once this cycle has commenced, it is difficult to believe change is possible. The immediate gratification received contributes to the perpetuation of a downward spiral. Once stuck in the negative whirlwind that temporarily eases pain, it becomes important to get some kind of support to find a way out of the hole the individual has found him or herself in. With help, individuals can retrain their brains to gain the ability to redirect the course of their lives. Without guidance, it is challenging to develop healthy, loving relationships. Without the emotional support of significant others, success in the different areas of wellness becomes more difficult to obtain. Fear of ending up alone without love can paralyze even the best intentions. An individual that has weakened his or her immune system becomes more vulnerable to the lure of maintaining the eating disorder. To heal, it is essential to attain a belief in a higher power to assist in making better choices that will result in love energy building to heal in mind, body, and spirit. Sometimes you just need to trust that all is in Divine right order and eat healthy foods to transform every cell in your body, regardless if you gain a little extra weight. Combine good choices with consistent exercise and you have a recipe for success with a solid foundation to build upon. To be receptive to help is extremely difficult when you lack faith in your ability to change your situation. This attitude can perpetuate negative habits and make matters worse. Without a healthy optimistic vision for your future, hope of any kind dissipates and encourages you to go down the lonely road of insecurity and doubt that also sabotages any hope of creating healthy relationships. To reverse the troubling world that out-pictures in your reality takes some soul searching and motivation to assert one’s self toward the steps needed to learn how to retrain your brain to formulate new healthy habits. Real success comes when you commit to being your personal best! To do that, rise to the occasion and discover your why that motivates you to heal, and to shine brightly. What is your higher purpose? Once you know it, you become empowered to take action. Next, release what you hope to get and look for what you can give. When you do this, it helps you heal as your mind is redirected to focus on being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. In service, as a giver, you come from a place of wholeness and resonate this to others who in turn begin to respect and honor the person you have chosen to be. The integrity you have chosen to emulate helps others to do the same. As a role model you teach through good example and build a promising future for all, especially yourself. Your self-esteem improves and you feel good in your own skin. People like and begin to love you when they can trust you. By living an authentic life of integrity, you inspire others to do the same. But most of all you feel good, and learn that if you continue this good behavior, positive benefits will be reaped, with health and happiness as the main by products. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Sometimes in your mind you know what to do, but your body may float to the most comforting habit. Resist the urge to flow toward the old and begin a new by making change stick one step at a time. When you do this, you ingrain positive habits into the fabric of your memory making them easier to repeat effortlessly. Another helpful hint is to focus on what you are grateful for. Doing this redirects your attention to what is right, rather than what is wrong, relieving anxiety. Less energy is wasted on the things you can no longer do anything about. As a result, your energy is up-leveled and expands to help you to live more creatively in a joyous state of mind. Forgive yourself for any so-called mistakes, then make better choices to improve your life. Remember the positive emotions you feel from your small successes and ingrain these feeling into your subconscious. Recall the good feelings when you are tempted to worry to neutralize the anxiety and fear that follows. Recognize your achievements and reward yourself with something meaningful to encourage a repeat performance. If you don’t feel happy yet, don’t give up, especially if you exhibit yoyo behavior. Give yourself a chance to formulate good habits that stick. When you do this, your life will transform and your body will heal. Your life will take on new meaning and you will be motivated to feel the pain until your self-esteem and confidence blossom. When this happens, you will reap a healthy self-worth that warrants the motivation to take care of yourself. When you feel pain, it pushes you to do something about it. If you cover it up with immediate gratification, you feel temporarily comforted, but in the end, your body weakens. You age needlessly and your self-confidence lessons, resulting in less joy and satisfaction in your life.
So choose life to be all that you can be. Have courage to trust and allow God to take the reins, to steer you towards the creation of a life that is healthy and balanced in every way. Yes, surrender to a higher power, and allow The Divine to raise your vibration as you embody integrity in every dimension of creativity. Feel this power, as you become a better version of yourself. With faith, you can move mountains to experience a rebirth of your potential and the healing of your energy body. Love yourself and accept your flaws, then celebrate all the good you have been blessed to receive. Will you choose to be reborn into a better version of yourself, and if so, what steps will you take to realize your goals? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below. Love and blessings to all! Choose life now!
Why be in a relationship if there is no romance? What is the real purpose of being in a relationship?Is romance important or even necessary? Romance can enhance and deepen a couple’s relationship, but it isn't necessarily a requirement for its success. The real purpose of being in a loving relationship is to foster companionship, support, and mutual growth. While romance can create a bonding opportunity with the added benefit of excitement, and passion, it's not the sole foundation of a healthy partnership. The essential elements of a healthy union often include trust, communication, shared values, and emotional connection. However, romance does play a significant role in opening the heart to keep a relationship vibrant and enjoyable. To build romance in a relationship, optimally it is best to focus on the energy that comes from being a giver:
Remember, being a giver doesn't mean neglecting your own, very important needs, but rather prioritizing your partner's happiness and well-being alongside your own. Building and sustaining romance is a mutual effort that can lead to a happier, more fulfilling, and lasting connection with your partner. ![]() With that said, some people believe that romance is silly and not needed to have a successful relationship. I’ve heard people say, “I don’t do romance!” To have a successful relationship, the giving and receiving of love is essential. How do you show love and do it sincerely without invoking a sense of obligation? Romance can mean a lot of things. Generally, when someone does something romantic, they are doing it to make their loved one feel cared about. For example: a boyfriend/girlfriend might spread rose petals from the front door to the bedroom, with the bulk of the petals on the bed to show their loved one the sincerity of his or her love. Champagne might be served with strawberries and chocolate. Some might even consider drizzling chocolate in special places to evoke pleasure. The point of this ritual is to show genuine thoughtfulness and to demonstrate how much you care in creative ways. Another person might choose to show their love by planning a special outing as a surprise. One of my personal favorite romantic experiences was had on a first date that I went on with a boy I met at school. He gave me advance notice to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. He picked me up at my house and we drove to a beautiful destination at Chatsworth Park where we hiked up a mountain to enjoy the sunset. He brought an incredible picnic dinner that had for starters, wine, cheese, and crackers as an appetizer. Then afterwards, delicious crab legs to enjoy. We finished with dessert! I felt so cared for and extremely pampered. When people go out of their way to do special things for the people they care about, their conscientious actions depends the bond and trust between two people. Anytime you go out of your way to create ambiance, a special outing, food, help out in some way or just be there for someone when help is needed, you drive home your concern and love for the person on the receiving end. Doing special things shows others that they are important to you and worthy of receiving special attention. You can be romantic in simple ways that tell others that they matter. You can leave “I love you” notes for no reason, except to brighten their day. ![]() You can give your significant other the TV remote and let them choose the entertainment for the evening. It’s simple, but it’s the small daily things that truly matter. These simple things open the heart, especially of the giver. Communication and body language are great ways to show others how you feel. Oftentimes the positive or negative energy you express shows others how you feel about yourself. Fractured communication can put barriers up making it nearly impossible to bridge the gap between two people. If you’re sarcastic at the expense of another, you demonstrate your lack of consideration for their well-being. This sends up a red flag and can immediately cause a loved one to distance him or herself from the suitor. Angry, impatient voices can be perceived as personal and can distance lovers, stopping the flow of the courtship dance. It becomes too difficult to get to know one another in a genuine way. People often sabotage their relationships because of subconscious fears, worries, and concerns. They may fell unworthy and undeserving of love. To be open to receive love, it is essential to have a healthy self-esteem. To feel worthy of love, it is vital to accept yourself today, not next week, next year, or when you become rich and famous. It all starts in the present. When you respect and love yourself, as you are now, others will feel the love, and be open to getting to know and love you. When we don’t feel good about ourselves, our lack of self-confidence can prevent us from meeting people. It can stop us from getting to know them because we may also see others as unworthy to be close to. This happens because we fail to see how we are all interconnected. When we start to see that everyone is worthy of love, then our heart can begin to open. Only when your heart and self-worth have healed, will you be open and receptive to the good that surrounds you. This enables you to love others and yourself. ![]() When you give, the giver is always loved and appreciated. Perhaps not always in the way you might hope, but your life will be blessed, even if love is not reciprocated. It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. In life, it is important to risk disappointment. If we fail, at least we learn something more about ourselves, others, and the world. Set free the people you love, and if they are truly meant to be with you, they will return to love you in a deeper, more profound way. If you hold on too tightly to the people in your world, you will suffocate them. If you set them free to love those people who will make them the happiest, then you are discovering how to really love others without strings attached. From this place of unconditional love, your life will be blessed, and you will attract the right and ideal people who resonate with what you are all about. So remember, if you want to spice up your love life or take steps to develop a more loving relationship with someone you care about, take extra time to plan special moments to bond with them in deeper more connected ways.
Give love without any sort of expectations, to demonstrate pure spiritual love to all!!! In what romantic ways will you choose to show love to the person you care about? If you have any questions or wish to share your thoughts, feel free to leave a message in the comment box below. Embarking on the journey to optimal well-being involves a harmonious alignment of body, mind, and spirit that is in integrity with your authentic self. Within this quest for personal health lies the wisdom of understanding that desired outcomes necessitate listening to your higher self and consistent effort, a notion that when embraced, paves the way for holistic vitality. At its core, personal health encompasses your ability to love all that exists and the integration of physical well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual fulfillment. This synergy propels us toward a state of wholeness where each facet of our being contributes to our overall vitality and happiness. However, challenges arise when we fixate on specific outcomes, neglecting the comprehensive care and responsible action required to achieve them. It's crucial to recognize that meaningful results emerge from a dedication to staying true to values via balanced effort, avoiding the trap of sacrificing other essential aspects of our well-being in the process. In the intricate tapestry of personal health and wellness, the threads of consistency, holistic attention, and mindful-effort weave together to create a life of spiritual integrity imbued with lasting vibrancy. When you cling to expectations with an obsessive, fearful grip, you unknowingly lay the groundwork for inevitable disappointment. The same principle applies to those outcomes that veer from your desires. Should you find yourself paralyzed with regret and unable to relinquish these concerns, you risk becoming entangled in a cycle of mourning for a past that cannot materialize. It's imperative to acknowledge that what's transpired is no longer an option and is now beyond your control—a chapter concluded. To traverse the path toward living in the proactive present and freeing yourself from the procrastinator’s past's grip, there are actionable steps you can take:
By adopting these actionable strategies—mindful acceptance, purposeful intentions, and forward action—you become enlightened as to how to reach your full potential and eager to liberate yourself from the chains of unfulfilled expectations. In doing so, you embark on a transformative healing journey toward embracing the richness of the present moment and fostering a mindset that empowers you to navigate life's ever-evolving landscape. ![]() Just know that it is key to be grateful for every blessing, big or small. Take it upon yourself to nurture every ounce of your being. Get in touch with that which matters most to you. Use your intuition to fulfil your destiny. Listen to the still small voice within to tap into that which pulls at your heartstrings. Then take steps to manifest your dreams! Only then will you feel connected to a higher purpose that will guide you to live in integrity with values that are in alignment with your authentic self. Use the grace gained from having the courage to do the right thing when no one is looking to build healing love energy. Let the energy of this newly earned personal power push you into the flow of living in the eternal now, which frees you from performance anxiety. When you form healthy habits, you take the first step in being responsible for creating a life that mirrors your values. Once habits are ingrained, they become second nature. This makes life easier, because as you step into the flow of healthy living, your habits manifest as peace and happiness. So, get ready! It’s time to retrain your brain! When you reprogram your subconscious mind to automatically enact habits, a healthy lifestyle begins to manifest. As a result, you then build self-confidence in your ability to live responsibly. When you take action to reinforce constructive behaviors, what you do becomes automatic as you facilitate change that heals and rebuilds. As a result of your efforts, you become a force for good that uplifts and challenges you to perpetuate the positive when you choose to do the right thing. As a result, negativity dissipates because it is no longer in the forefront of your mind/consciousness. Actions that inspire and lift up others can make all the difference in the world in your life and in the lives you touch. What you do really can affect others in such a positive way. When this happens others begin to look to you as a role model! This is your opportunity to shine and to be a part of the solution! Because you are no longer part of the problem, you can now focus your attention on formulating the healthy habits that work towards the betterment of society. And lastly, it is important to achieve balance in body, mind, and spirit in the nine areas of wellness. Doing this will help you to live a full and rewarding life. Keep in mind that it is important to allocate enough time within each area of wellness to establish the habits needed to support the building of a framework for consistent action. When balance is achieved in each area of wellness, your actions will assist in manifesting a harmonious happy life. Because you are doing your best and making choices that are for the highest good of all, you will set the stage for good things to materialize. There will be no regret in your life when your actions are done with the best intentions. ![]() Remember, when you make decisions that are in alignment with your core values, you create opportunities to fulfill your higher purpose in life. If the actions you take reveal qualities that resonate with living an authentic life of integrity, the resulting healing energy will assist in facilitating the manifestation of your higher purpose and the creation of a happy life. When honorable respectful actions are taken, good things happen, and the healing energy of grace manifests. From this place of grace, the still small voice within guides you in your quest to fulfill your spiritual mission in life, no matter how big or small it is. When you put consistent energy into your work in a regular fashion, you create a well-rounded life. It is up to each and every person to take responsible right action towards the formation of healthy habits within the following areas: physical, social, family, financial, career, intellectual, spiritual, romance, and recreation. So, next time you feel like a victim, remember that there is always something you can do to make your life more exciting and interesting. Take responsibility for your choices and get busy planning what you would like to focus your attention on! The decisions you make will create your future and pave the way for exciting opportunities to present themselves to you. The best is yet to come! Take care of your mind, body, and spirit so you can feel good about yourself! When you feel healthy and happy, only then will you feel worthy and capable to step outside of your comfort zone to grow. When you expand your horizons, you will feel safe to share what you know! The confidence you exude will be contagious to others and inspire them to follow in your footsteps. When you find success, others will see you as a role model and aspire to emulate good works in honor of the inspiration they have received from observing you. To find success in your personal life is everyone’s dream. The goal is to step outside of the comfortable box you have created for yourself, and to reach for the stars! To get there, you must have a goal to be your personal best! When you think in a new way that lifts up humanity, you rise to a higher level with a purpose that can be extremely fulfilling and gives meaning to your existence. Best of all, you learn to think in a new way that is optimistic! You are no longer tempted to hyper-focus on your fears or concerns that can draw attention to any perceived lack or limitation that may seem real to you. To succeed in formulating healthy habits for personal health and wellness, it is important to redirect your attention to focus on what you are grateful for. When you use the positive energy of gratitude to form new routines, joy and happiness can’t help but materialize in healthy and balanced ways. Success is determined by many factors. However, your true success depends on whether your intention is to harm or help the people in your world. When you choose to be of service in a way that improves the lives of others, you are blessed with an abundance of love energy that assists with healing the essence of your being. The grace you receive works to heal your energy field and gives you the guidance needed to make decisions that support the creation of a healthy foundation for your life. When you act with honorable intentions, healing love energy expands to assist you in transforming every cell in your body. As a result, good things happen and if you so choose, the impossible has a chance to become your new normal. What you deserve manifests in your reality. Now that you understand the importance of taking care of your personal life, good things can’t help but materialize in your world! What will you do to improve your personal life?
What steps will you take to transform into a person you can be proud to be? Please let us know by sharing your thoughts on personal wellness in the comment section. In the dynamic realm of professionals, a distinct journey unfolds, laden with opportunities to leave a lasting impact. Embracing this path to excellence demands three fundamental tenets: unwavering integrity, a profound sense of responsibility, and a relentless pursuit of expertise. As individuals rise to positions of authority, the world looks up to them as guiding beacons. To truly shine in their field, they must exemplify the qualities that define true greatness – integrity that remains unyielding, a sense of responsibility that extends beyond self, and an unwavering commitment to honing their expertise. Embarking on this transformative journey not only opens doors to personal growth but also paves the way for others to follow a virtuous trail towards professional fulfillment. As you can imagine, when you are a professional, a lot is expected of you. People look up to those individuals who carry themselves with integrity and demonstrate admirable qualities that match their new authority in their level of expertise. Here are three ways you can demonstrate integrity and admirable qualities as a professional:
By embodying these three aspects of integrity and admirable qualities, you can set a positive example for others and create a work environment that values authenticity, responsibility, and continuous improvement. When you embrace authenticity, it not only allows you to be true to yourself, but it also enables you to set a powerful and positive example for others, fostering a work environment conducive to obtaining professional health. Firstly, when you are authentic in your interactions with colleagues and superiors, you create an atmosphere of trust and openness. Your genuineness encourages others to be more honest and transparent, leading to more effective communication and collaboration. Secondly, by embracing your unique strengths and weaknesses, you inspire those around you to acknowledge and appreciate their individuality as well. This promotes a culture of inclusivity and diversity, where everyone's contributions are valued and celebrated. Lastly, authenticity encourages the pursuit of personal growth and development. When you are genuine about your aspirations and challenges, others are more likely to support and assist you in your professional journey, leading to a sense of empowerment and fulfillment within the workplace. By fostering an environment of authenticity, you not only strengthen your own professional well-being and level of authority but also contribute to a collective success that thrives on mutual support and genuine connections. Along with authority comes more responsibility. When you prove your worth and demonstrate just how capable you are, you are ready to move up the ranks within your job. If you get promoted, you will receive new job responsibilities along with the added benefits of more pay. Embracing professional responsibility is paramount to showcase your authority in ethical and honorable ways. To begin with, consistently meeting deadlines and fulfilling commitments demonstrates reliability and dedication to your role, earning you the trust and respect of both colleagues and superiors. Moreover, taking initiative to seek out new challenges and projects showcases a proactive approach to professional growth, signaling that you are willing to go above and beyond to contribute to the success of the organization. Lastly, openly admitting and learning from mistakes displays humility and accountability, setting a positive example for others to embrace feedback and continuous improvement. By exemplifying these instances of professional responsibility, you not only solidify your authority but also contribute to a thriving and harmonious work environment built on integrity and excellence. Promoting professional well-being through continuous improvement and the exemplifying of integrity is crucial for fostering a positive work environment that embraces growth. Nurturing a culture of learning empowers employees to enhance their competencies, leading to heightened job satisfaction. Additionally, fostering transparent feedback cultivates a supportive atmosphere, reflecting honorable traits like humility and commitment to progress. Acknowledging accomplishments and endeavors motivates individuals to strive for excellence, fostering an environment of appreciation. By prioritizing continuous improvement and embodying integrity, organizations create a space where employees flourish and professional well-being prospers. What I have just shared has merely touched the surface of what it means to be a professional. How you treat others matters. When you treat others respectfully, your actions set the tone for each day. Yes, making money is important, but if what you earn is gained through unethical means, what you reap will not be experienced positively. There will be repercussions that will reverberate and affect everything you do, manifesting in reduced confidence. Others will sense your loss of self-esteem from your lack of self-sufficiency, and in the end, they may lose respect for you. You may be able to fake it till you make it, but if you make it dishonestly, you will lose what you gain. Remember to be considerate and thoughtful of others, and your life will be blessed with the grace gained from your kindness. Recognize that your skill level will grow the more you apply yourself. When you focus on helping others, a different kind of energy takes over. Because you are performing random or even intentional acts of kindness, a new state of consciousness begins to form. It shapes your attitude and creates a mindset that steps in sync with universal intelligence. From your conscientious acts, your higher purpose is revealed. When you least expect it, you will be rewarded with a genius mentality that allows you to experience the happiness of creativity that flows effortlessly. Each day you put time into practicing and acquiring skills needed to succeed professionally you build confidence and the self-esteem needed in your commitment to excellence. As you begin to master your new habits of success, your efforts ingrain these positive behaviors into your cell memory. Once these habits become second nature, you will no longer have to make a conscious effort to put them in to action. You will instead automatically enact them in a habitual manner. When you learn how to be a conscious leader, others will be inspired to emulate your actions. Because you are a model of integrity, people will look up to you, and aspire to be like you. They will recognize that you care about people. Knowing this makes them work to be on your team. They desire to support you and know that they can trust you to teach them how to be their personal best. A conscious leader is an honorable person who is dependable and capable of demonstrating excellence consistently in his or her work. He or she can be trusted and others know and respect that. A conscious leader lives authentically and strives to be a role model of integrity to encourage others to act responsibly, especially when making decisions that affect others. Whatever your professional life looks like is up to you and will depend on the core values you choose to emulate. The career you choose will assist in attracting compatible experiences to fulfil your destiny. In conclusion, your professional health and success are inextricably tied to the choices you make. Each decision you make shapes the path of your future. It falls upon you to align your work with your true values and beliefs. Your actions hold the power to manifest the reality you desire. By consciously opting for ethical choices that resonate with your core principles, you pave the way for a positive and fulfilling life. Nurturing a workplace environment that values integrity and upholds admirable qualities will not only elevate your personal well-being, but also inspire those around you to embrace their own journey towards professional health and happiness. Remember, the trajectory of your professional life lies within your hands, and by embracing integrity and positive values, you can chart a course of prosperity and well-being.
Now that you understand what you can do to excel in your professional life, what steps will you take? Please share in the comment section below! It is so important to have a healthy outlook towards finances. Without it, an unhealthy obsession can take over and become the unconscious driver that motivates unethical decision making, which can lead to actions you won’t be proud of. Time to cultivate a higher purpose that can attract into your reality, the people, places, things, and opportunities that match what you are all about! To begin with, start with an attitude of gratitude, which helps to cultivate a mindset that places your consciousness in the land of enough, and out of fear, lack, and limitation. It’s not that you will choose to be oblivious to your desires and ignore the necessities of life. You just won’t need as much as you have in the past. And, you will feel more satisfied with what you do have! To put it simply - you will be less wasteful. You will use what you need and appreciate all that you receive! When aware, you will be more conscious of how your actions affect others. You will use your insight and intuition to guide you, and then take constructive right action in a solution oriented manner, instead of reacting negatively to life concerns. In essence, to be aware means that you trust in a higher power, and allow yourself to be proactive, as you let go and let the Divine guide and direct your way. With an understanding such as this, there will be no need to panic because you feel connected to something greater than yourself. You feel aligned with an intelligence that you know in your heart is guided by the power of love. Once it finally sinks in that your good already exists in the mind of God who is everywhere present, and that you are an individualization of the Divine, you will step out of desperation and allow spirit to create what mirrors your level of deservability! You will attract what you earn by right of consciousness. As a result, you will choose to take responsible right action to manifest everything in healthy and balanced ways. So, in what way do you see yourself being of service and giving your energy to the world? When you can release the need to get what the ego desires, and instead, surrender to the possibilities that surpass a limited perception, wonderful things have the opportunity to shine through to bless you and others. How you choose to give of your time, treasure, and talent will determine the road you will travel! Universal law states that the more you give, the more you will have. However, it is important to release any idea of how this good will out-picture in your reality. When you allow the Divine to manifest that which is for your highest good, your life will be blessed with the experience of grace. What is grace and why is it vital to your happiness? Grace is the key, which opens the door to the kingdom of heaven, here on earth! So, what does financial wellness mean to most people? Does it mean that you will not want materially? Or, does it imply that you will be happy with the life you have created and will be able to buy what you need, and sometimes what you want when necessary? I know you probably realize that money isn’t everything, but it sure is nice to have a sufficient supply to pay the bills and to have a little fun along the way. I mean, “All work, and no play, makes Jack a dull boy!” If you were to spend all your time merely working to take care of your basic needs, it would get old if you weren’t able to blow off some steam in a fun way. As with all things, balance is the key. If you fail to put equal time into the different areas of wellness, eventually you will discover an imbalance. You will learn more about yourself, if you nurture every area. When you understand what makes you happy, your focus can be directed towards living a more fulfilling life. To attract abundance in all areas of your life, it is important for you to live in alignment with values that resonate with your core beliefs. This abundance will reflect back to the health of your financial well-being. The amount of money you manifest is not as important as your overall quality of life. If your social well-being is damaged from a lack of attention to nurturing this area, all the money in the world will not comfort you at night or keep you company when you are in need of love and support. If your physical well-being is damaged from consuming a low quality diet, you will end up spending all your money on doctor bills. If in bad shape from lack of exercise, you will not feel inspired to adventure into the unknown to explore the beauty around you. Instead, a passive lifestyle will dictate how you spend your days and nights. If depressed from betrayal, loss, self-destruction, obsessions, and trauma, you may feel compelled to spend your time in a facility talking to a psychologist, instead of appreciating all the gifts you have been blessed to receive. If you fail to spend time with family members, you will end up living with a bunch of strangers who resent you because of your lack of attentiveness. If you want a happy family life, spend quality time with loved ones to nurture each relationship, so strong emotional bonds will develop. If you neglect to build a healthy intellectual capacity, you will be limited in your ability to interact with others and feel incapable of pursuing interesting activities because of a lack of self-confidence. To change this not so promising future, choose to study subjects that matter to you. When you understand life, your communication skills will improve and support you in your different areas of interest. If you neglect to develop spiritually, you will have a difficult time building healthy relationships that are ethically and morally sound. Out of a falsely perceived necessity, you may choose to take advantage of others in an effort to control your life, while in your search for happiness and meaning. If you want to deepen your spiritual connection with the Divine, go within and connect to your higher self through personal reflection and study. Take action to learn from experience to gain an understanding of the meaning of life. If you neglect to get involved in recreational activities, you will miss out on experiencing all that life has to offer. When not involved, you are instead, a passive bystander who has just overlooked fun opportunities that could have provided a chance to get to know others on a deeper level. If you hunger for creative expression, engage in the various forms of recreation to learn new life skills. When proactive, you will enjoy interacting with others in a playful way, while participating in the different fun activities. If you choose to stay stuck in a career that no longer serves you, that is your decision and no one else’s. If you choose to play the victim card and to blame others for your unhappiness, you will stay where you are at until you choose to accept responsibility for the role you have played in the life you have manifested. No one else is at cause to your experience. Only you have the power to change your reality. If you are unhappy in your career, it’s time to reevaluate your job to either quit or accept it to move forward. A job is not worth your time if you prostitute your consciousness to get the money you believe you deserve. If you sacrifice your integrity for the sake of the almighty dollar, you will not end up feeling the happiness you deserve. If you desire a healthy romantic life, you must be a mirror of the person you hope to attract. When you embody the type of qualities that you hold dear, others of a similar mindset will also find them important. If you are not a mirror of these special assets, you will repel the person you so desperately want to interact with. If you want to attract your soul mate, it is important to be able to stand on your own two feet financially, so you won’t feel tempted to compromise your values. A healthy relationship must be built on integrity that resonates with the highest good of all concerned. To have a healthy financial life, nurture each of the above areas. The time to be healthy in all areas is now. It is possible to attain health in mind, body, and spirit when you are open and willing to be proactive and to choose life. You can heal. Relief from grief and loss can be achieved when you feel connected to a higher purpose that gives meaning to your life. When you experience a connection to something bigger than yourself, you feel grounded. Your heart beats to a different drummer that is aligned to the integrity of living an authentic spiritual life. When you finally become cognizant of how your conscious decision making is affecting the world, you awaken to the responsibilities that are yours and need to be dealt with. To play an effective part in change making, you must connect with that which resonates with your heart, and motivates you to take action as a personal role model to inspire positive change in others. When you become motivated to make choices that are helpful and not harmful, for the highest good of all concerned, you are living your truth, and mastering the integrity of your higher self. When your intent is pure, all your needs will be met in one way or another. Your life will be blessed in more ways than you can imagine. In addition, when you enjoy the work you do, it will feel on par with effortlessness that in and of itself, is worth more than gold. Why? Because time is money! You can’t get time back, so you had better use every hour, every minute, and every second of the day wisely!!! Also, remember that old saying, “Waste not, want not.” You don’t need as much as you think you do. Your energy is currency that must not be squandered. When you honor resources, you will have more energy to create, and to give to those in need. Wealth is a state of mind. It is an experience of abundance that blesses you with happiness, love, and the joy of living. Don’t be deceived by what others have in material possessions, for shuffling stuff can merely be a comforting mechanism individuals use to handle the emptiness that has materialized from failing to create an authentic life of integrity. A preoccupation with stuff or any kind of addiction can be a short term solution that can distract people from dealing with long term solutions that truly bring happiness. The distractions mask the fear and pain through an hypnotic dance that keeps them from getting involved in the world. While caught in the cycle of addiction, they fail to take creative action. Think about this…In regards to shopaholics, you can only wear one outfit at a time, sleep in one bed, and sit in one chair, etc. at any one given moment. Oftentimes, an inferiority complex can motivate individuals to accumulate more than is needed, to either intentionally or unintentionally, create a façade of success. Yes, it’s great you are able to build a stockpile of stuff, but it’s not necessary. Ask yourself why you may feel the need to accumulate more than you really need… This type of behavior can occur when fear sets in and you doubt your ability to provide for the necessities and desires of life. This doubt can cause you to hold on to things that have already served their purpose. When you release the possessions you no longer need, you free your energy and give yourself the gift of peace. As a result, you no longer struggle to keep up with the Jones. Instead you are choosing to honor mother nature by limiting your consumption of the earth’s resources. Doing so helps to heal the environment and cleanses the air. When it comes down to it, prosperity is really a mindset and a way of life. Everyone can bask in the glow of a prosperous life. If you can put your ego aside and step into the art of giving, you will experience the blessings of grace that will free your soul and lift your spirits to the heavens. If you would like to learn more about what I have just shared, you can check out my book, The Spiritual Path: How to Create Heaven on Earth. In it you will find powerful tools that will help you to manifest a life that is in balance to experience harmony in every area of your life. When you devote time to the different areas of your life, you build a healthy foundation that helps create emotional stability and happiness that manifests in a joyous mindset. When you feel the emotion of joy, it is easier to become financially stable. As a result of this stability, you have energy to spare that supports you in the creation of a happy life. Joy enables you to do the things you love.
With an optimistic, positive mindset you can’t help but attract the people and opportunities that will assist you in doing a creative overhaul to transform and support your lifestyle. It is up to you to accept each challenge that comes your way! Now is the time to engage in all that life has to offer. Choose to believe in the potential for success that can manifest when constructive right action is taken! There are unlimited possibilities that can out-picture in your reality. Know that you deserve the happiness of a bright future! Are you ready to celebrate? Step into your own unique identity, as you use your personal power to manifest a rich and prosperous you, to shine your light upon the world! What are you willing to sacrifice to acquire riches? How much time will you invest to get what you desire? Consider whether your efforts will be worth the investment of your blood, sweat, and tears. If not worth your time, then you will need to reevaluate what is important to you, and assess what you are willing to do to get what you desire. Remember to enjoy the journey, and if you aren’t, change the course you are on. No matter what you choose to do, everything is a learning experience, which ultimately helps you in the long run to make better decisions. If you like the work you’re doing, it will be easier to prosper and your life will be blessed. In closing, take an emotional assessment and ask yourself if you are truly happy with your financial life. To improve your financial wellness, listen to the still small voice from within for guidance. Check in to make sure you are going in the right direction. Ask yourself….
Everyone wants to be loved by that special someone. For this to happen, you must know what you want, and be an example of the qualities you desire in others. If spirituality is important to you, then you might want to emulate the virtues of those who strive to make the world a better place. When I was younger, I asked a boyfriend what he valued in the person he hoped to marry. I requested that he make a list of ten things in order of importance to show the qualities most important to him. Unfortunately, I was disappointed in what he had written. He didn’t take my request seriously and only wrote one thing, which was overall, quite materialistic and revealed much about his character. I encouraged him to add to the list, but he refused. He wasn’t interested in what mattered to me. This exercise helped me to see that he wasn’t ready for a commitment. Whether it was because he wasn’t interested or because he felt inadequate for one reason or another, is neither here nor there. I made a decision to move on. I didn’t want to waste any more of my time on a relationship that appeared to be going nowhere. It doesn’t pay to analyze every nuance to make yourself feel better, when something doesn’t go your way. I listened to my gut feeling when assessing how to approach this serious life changing decision. Because his answer was so shallow and lacked any depth or concern for my feelings, I lost all interest in pursuing a relationship with him. This showed me that he really wasn’t in the market to have a relationship with me or perhaps anyone else at this time in his life. If he really cared, he would have taken my request more seriously, and attempted to share what he wanted in a life partner. To manifest a healthy relationship, it is good to be on the same page as your prospective suitor. If you can learn what is important to them early on, you can save yourself a lot of time and energy. If you don’t have similar values, you may not be able to bridge this gap of dissimilarities. If you fail to clarify wants and desires, and ultimately their intent, you could end up struggling to build an emotional connection and be unable to connect on a heart level. Know that some people will never understand you or relate to the inner workings of your soul, and that is okay. Trust and know that the right and ideal people will gravitate toward your energy and appreciate you just the way you are. When you aspire to align yourself with other spiritually like-minded individuals who wish to live their lives doing that which is for the highest good of all concerned, you create an emotionally strong foundation for healthy relationships to blossom. It is good to surround yourself with individuals who understand the importance of being kind and compassionate to everyone. If the people you interact with fail this test, think twice before spending too much time with them. All of God’s creatures are worthy of love, but not everyone will be compatible enough to earn a seat at your table. You only have so much time and energy to devote to the people in your life. With this in mind, consider your options and make wise choices. While you can only spend quality time with a small group of chosen individuals, treat everyone with respect, as they are still individualizations of the Divine, regardless of intentions held and actions taken. Relationships are important, for no man or woman is an island unto him or herself. However, without unconditional love for all and concern for your fellow man, your foundation will disintegrate, leaving you alone and lost even if you are surrounded by the most incredible audience of peers. How you attain your peers is vital to the health of your energy body. If you force others to spend time with you through your means of choice, the outcome will be less than desirable. By obsessing on problems that have left a bad taste in your mouth, you sabotage your present. This negative use of your precious energy weakens your energy field and causes you to not be able to see the forest before the trees. If your attention is on what you don’t want, you will get more of the same! So, if a relationship is draining your energy, stop trying to fix it. You can’t change anyone. Instead, focus on what is right with them, and express gratitude over those things they contribute that you appreciate. When you do this, you take back your power and redirect your energy toward those things you can do something about. Then you will be free to express unconditional love, without the need to fix or change the people in your relationships. You can love them even though they have failed to appreciate your greatness in the ways you desire. Expressing love to people does not mean that you have to invest time and include them in you daily life, especially after connecting on a deep level with them. Once you become disinterested in what they are all about, go your own merry way. When you do this you free their energy, so they can experience someone who does appreciate their unique qualities. Doing so creates a space for you to attract the people and opportunities that resonate with the integrity you are now living in what has become your authentic life. Don’t engage in egoist mind games that serve to unconsciously or consciously manipulate others through blame, guilt, and fear tactics. If you get caught up in these types of tactless conversations, excuse yourself, otherwise you will enable the persecutor to avoid responsibility for his or her, own bad behavior. Through the creation of crazy making energy, an individual such as this will attempt to soothe the ego in a play to feel good about him or herself, at your expense. To have a spiritual relationship requires that each partner love one another unconditionally without strings attached. Ideally, one would hope that each would choose to be in a monogamous relationship, to celebrate and embrace the specialness that drew them together and caused them to connect at the heart level. This kind of compatibility works, because when two people embody virtuous qualities, their integrity builds a field of high energy filled with grace that blesses them with an expanding state of consciousness. This new attained state of awareness assists in guiding them toward making the best possible decisions that are for the highest good of all concerned. When couples practice the presence of the Christ, they are rewarded for doing that which is honorable and respectful. They feel deserving and open to the good that is everywhere present. And, as a result, they accept their good because they have earned a healthy self-esteem that enables them to feel worthy of receiving untold blessings. Because they are now open, the unknown can reveal itself and bless them with the sweetness of life. They are ready to step into the flow of the eternal now to experience the newness of creation. As they live this spontaneous experience, opportunities avail themselves in an exciting synchronistic reveal, enabling them to glorify the Divine. As they accept and trust in this flow of energy, their faith and love is rewarded with a gift that allows them to hit the bliss point of euphoria to manifest pure happiness! Now that you have a better idea as to how to bond spiritually with your partner, take what you have learned, and go forward to bless your relationship!
Not sure what to do? Well, ask yourself the following: Will you try to change your significant other? Or, will you accept him or her, and work on yourself? Will you release your loved one if he or she doesn’t live up to your expectations, or will you accept and love him or her the way he or she is? Will you compromise your values? Or, will you have faith and trust in the process, to release and allow him or her to go his or her own way? When you choose to let him or her go, are you doing it for the right reason? Do you want what is right for him or her, as well as for yourself? Do you feel insecure, selfish, or unselfish? Are you ready to move on to attract the right and ideal spiritual partner that has similar core values as yourself? Or, will you stay and nurture your relationship? These are valuable questions to ask, and important to ponder, before you make a decision that could change your relationship. Please share your questions and thoughts in the comment section below. Thank you, and many blessings to all!!! Are you one of the many people who find it nearly impossible to resist the temptation of foods made with sugar, salt, fat, white flour, red meat, caffeine, etc.? If you are, don’t feel bad. There is something you can do to change your taste buds. You can also reverse the damage done to the body and heal your immune system. When caught under the spell of foods that are processed and refined, their lack of nutrients sets the stage for people to experience a life of disease. For individuals who choose to overindulge, this becomes their karma. They most likely will experience sickness and fall prey to the illness that aligns with their choices. By choosing to eat a nutrient dense plant based diet, you take back your power from the capitalist food mongers who produce these foods. Capitalism can be good, but when businesses fail to make ethical choices, they miss the mark in living an authentic life. When business men only care about profit and how much money they can make for their shareholders, they sabotage their own success by not looking out for the little guy. Innocent mistakes can occur. However, underlying subconscious motivations can influence people to make choices that are not for the highest good of all. For instance, there are commercial farmers who enjoy working the land and don’t believe their food growing methods are devious. They have good intentions, but fall short in awareness. Their overall ignorance causes them to believe that the food they grow is nutritious and healing to the nation, or so they keep telling themselves. Their faulty beliefs perpetuate the acceptance and continuance of antiquated harmful, farming practices. You vote with your dollars, so be wise with your choices. Be careful to support ethical farming practices that heal the earth and promote learning. “People in the know” recommend that you choose non-GMO and organic foods to prevent climate change and the degradation of the soil and air. When caught in the throes of addiction, you may feel in control of your eating habits enough to allow the consumption of foods that deplete necessary vitamins and minerals, etc. The importance of being aware is obvious. It is good to know the facts about where your food comes from to prevent sickness and disease. There is so much information out in the ethers, which makes it difficult to decipher what is true and of real concern. When scientific proof is presented, there is no more guessing. The way is clear to build a new paradigm of consciousness. The new way of thinking that is backed by evidence, supplies the confidence needed to make healthy choices. There is now an understanding held by functional medicine doctors and informed scientists that by forgoing certain foods that are grown with harmful chemicals and are genetically altered, you will be rewarded with a stronger immune system. When informed, you know that your sacrifices will create a foundation of mental and emotional clarity upon which you will be able to function at a higher level of integrity. To facilitate change, it is a must that you decide to be proactive. It is essential that you take responsibility for your general well-being. Healing is a process and requires consistency in whatever you choose to do. Each step you take in the formulating of constructive habits supports the creation of a healthy energy body. You will thrive if you can learn to think in new way that will allow you to live in alignment with values that resonate with your higher purpose. When you live in a state of integrity, it is easier to ingrain healthy habits and to make them a way of life! To succeed in harnessing healing energy, the most important elements of positive change is being able to let go and let God take over to manifest a brand new you. To heal, it is essential to love what God has created. When you love and accept yourself and others, you gain access to your higher potential. You become motivated to make better choices. When I decided to be of service to humanity, I made the choice to inspire others through my personal successes. I accepted my higher purpose of being a role model and moved into action. The only way I was able to manifest a healing was when I put my ego aside and allowed spirit to take over. The intelligence of the Divine guided me toward the fulfilling of my spiritual destiny. Because I put my trust in the process and released any idea of personal gain, miracles happened! Since I had faith in the Divine’s ability to provide for all my needs, I was gifted with grace, which facilitated the building of psychic healing love energy. This grace manifested as evidence of an intelligent life force present within all of life. The successes that materialized demonstrated what can occur when you use your energy wisely in a selfless manner for the good of all concerned. Each time you do the right thing, healing love energy builds from within, and your self-esteem rises. Know that when the ego dictates everything you do, your energy can develop only so far. The ego can motivate you to take care of yourself. However, if sickness takes root after trauma, oftentimes the reality of the illness that has manifested in your life can feel so real, that all hope may dissipate and prevent the constructive right action of healthy choices to occur. Instead of moving forward with the hope of a better future, it is easy to sabotage your good and perpetuate poor choice making with familiar habits. It is sometimes easier to numb feelings and to choose comforting choices that help you to forget about your plight. For instance, if you have a tendency to imbibe in a drink to alleviate stress, you might overindulge to forget about your pain. This can turn into a habit that is difficult to change once it is ingrained. Habits such as these can cause your energy to weaken and the brain to malfunction. The dopamine receptors become dependent upon your next fix to feel normal. To break free of food addiction, the power of grace can save you from yourself. To manifest grace, have faith in the Divine to assist you through the “karma” of spiritual laws that are set in place to govern the universe. You can use grace to pull you through your greatest challenges. Get used to trusting in the Divine and then allow yourself to eat the foods that nurture your body even when you gain a little weight. Learn to trust in your higher self to experience the blessings that materialize when you let go and let God take over! When you try to force your good, the universe resists what you persist in making a reality, and you sabotage your success. When you push yourself upon others, your actions can be felt as inconsiderate, aggressive, unkind, etc. Remember, you get more bees with honey, than with vinegar. On your healing journey, it is important to give without expecting anything in return to gain emotional support and the trust of others. This connection enables you to bond emotionally with caring individuals who give you your reason for being alive. Of course these caring people in your life will eventually give to you, but in the way they desire to give, which enables you to enjoy their unique and special ways. When you feel loved, you are inspired to do more and be more, helping you to make better decisions in all areas of your life, which includes eating healing foods. The right and ideal people will gravitate toward your energy if you are a vibrational match. Take care of yourself to feel worthy of the people who come into your life. Be your authentic self to draw to you those individuals who will understand the issues that truly matter to you. Be true to your higher self and act in alignment with values you would be proud to experience and enjoy in the people you attract. If your energy is honorable and trustworthy, the right and ideal people will manifest in your life to support you emotionally on your journey. When you feel loved, you are more likely to have the energy to be your personal best. By opting to be your best self now, you set the tides in motion to demonstrate the power within the body of the Divine. Seeing the positive outcome that results from choosing to give the highest and best of yourself, reveals that there is an order in the Universe and that what you cause to occur from your choices, appears in your life as an effect you have to live with. So make sure your choices are truly a wise attempt to bless the world. If you want to express your energy in a manner that is for the highest good of all concerned, choose to be of service in a greater way to all humanity. Use your personal integrity to rise up out of your pity party to celebrate the gifts you have been given. From this place of being enough, more will be given. Why? Because you recognize and trust in a higher power. Everything is in Divine order. You are exactly where you need to be. There are no mistakes in God’s world. However…on your spiritual journey, you still work toward goals to celebrate the perfection of the Divine. God is a verb and heaven is an action. When you love what God has created, you make choices that bless the world. You demonstrate your faith and believe that all your needs are met in this eternal now moment by the life force known as the source of all creation. So, love yourself the way you are. When you do this you are loving what spirit/God has created. Because you recognize that there is more than what meets the eye and that real beauty is in the essence of one’s spiritual character, you experience a rebirth of sorts that manifests as spiritual enlightenment. In this reawakening, you are practicing the presence of the Christ to teach by example that everyone is a child of God. You recognize that your purpose is to share that everyone is worthy of love regardless of how they look and no matter what they may have done. You are a unique individualization of the Divine and are here for a higher purpose. When you can love every inch of the skin you are in, from that point on, real healing can occur and you will be free from the need to control everything you put in your mouth. Your food addiction will dissipate when you no longer fixate on what you eat. Redirect your attention toward activities that promote healthy interactions with others. Doing so will help you to gain moral support via loving relationships that allow you to work toward your dream. When you can accept yourself, warts and all, uncreative stress will dissipate. In this now moment, you can use the healing energy you embody to tap into your higher purpose and to follow the vision that allows you to live to your fullest potential! Make a conscious decision to be your personal best and then live your dream!
Be proactive. Work toward personal goals daily. For example:
Whatever you choose, do it wisely. If what you decide to do is done in a positive light, you will be part of the solution and no longer part of the problem. If you feel powerless, recognize that the thoughts you think and the sub-conscious beliefs you hold can affect the decisions you make. You can reprogram your subconscious mind by making a conscientious effort to tap into the still small voice within to hear that which is for the highest good of all concerned.
Be a self-starter and take the steps needed to form healthy habits. Before you know it, eating a healthy diet will require little thought and be second nature to you. To improve your immune system, keep it simple. Focus on eating an organic, Non Gmo, whole food plant based diet. There is a cornucopia of fruits and vegetables available to heal your energy body. Take charge of your health and get busy in the action of celebrating your uniqueness by making choices that bless not only yourself, but everyone, everywhere. What steps will you take to recover from food addiction? Do you feel hopeless and emotionally disconnected? Has uncreative stress gotten the best of you? If so, you may be engulfed in the effects of traumatizing anxiety that is weighing heavy on your psyche. When caught in the throes of anxiety that is overwhelming, you may wonder if you will ever attain a peaceful consciousness or be able to function at a high level again. If you are spinning your wheels in frustration trying to figure out a way to realize a better reality, stop and hear what I have to say. You can break out of the self-imposed ceiling of self-doubt you have created! Why wait till you have all your ducks in a row! Eliminate your anxiety and take back your power today. Celebrate the gifts you have been blessed with now! Take steps to free yourself from anxiety and focus on the present. Get busy in the action of spreading joy to inspire the people in your world! You are here for a reason. Awaken from your pity party. Break through your comatose hypnotic sleep to welcome a new day that allows you to enjoy the art of learning new things! Move into the forward flow of life and awaken to the optimism that has always been your reality. Happiness is your birthright, and is forever present in this eternal now moment. It is up to you to accept and love who you are right here and right now, and when you do, you will be truly, loving what God has created. Embrace the pain brought on by the paralyzing effects of anxiety, and push through it, to discover your purpose in life. Connect to your why, and love what God has created. When you recognize that God is all encompassing within every cell that exists in the Universe, you will understand that you have a choice to make as to how you will shine your light upon the world. You can be a blessing or a curse. It is up to you. You can do anything of course as God is all forgiving, but if you choose to do something that is harmful to others, you will suffer the consequences. If your intention is aligned with the integrity of your higher self, you will influence others positively. Whatever you choose to do, you will facilitate a domino effect that will shake things up in either a positive way or negative way. If you embody what is right and good, you will improve your life and inspire others to be their best selves. Meditate on everything you are grateful for to neutralize anxiety. Know that you are an individualization of the Divine, and have manifested a life that is a unique perfect expression of this life force energy. Since this is your reality, your good already exists, and is demonstrated as a match to the integrity you emulate. Everything that manifests in life occurs as a result of the decisions you make. The way you react to what happens to you when interacting with others is also a consequence of your choices. Optimism is key to healing anxiety. When you believe in yourself, you know that you were born to make a difference in the lives of others. You recognize that there is no one like you who has your particular insight into the art of living or who can teach your unique skill set. To live a fulfilling life, free of anxiety, your attitude is so important. It is of the utmost importance to develop a healthy mindset to think in a positive constructive solution oriented manner. Anxiety can manifest in many ways. When caught in the lower levels of consciousness obsessed with the miscellaneous concerns of living, fear, worry, and anxiety can keep you stuck, hyper-fixating on problems that take on a life of their own. They manifest in the form of negative stress that can overpower a once happy life and turn your experience into an uncreative, self-absorbed one. Many people get stuck in uncreative relationships and fail to take the steps needed to live their dreams. When this happens, regret can prevent you from living your best life now. To relieve anxiety and love what God has created, have the courage to take action as the perfection of the Divine.
Anxiety is created when caught in a negative cycle. It can become overwhelming especially when your future appears bleak and daunting with no hope or relief in sight. To numb the relentless pain, you may resort to behaviors that weaken your immune system To break the cycle, it is important to believe in yourself and love the person you have become. It is crucial to eliminate all fear and any belief that your life will never improve. Have courage to do the right thing when no one is looking. Step into your authentic self to live a life of integrity. To relieve anxiety, focus on the present and how you can affect the world in a positive way. When you are preoccupied in an unhealthy way with fixing an already perfect you, you miss the good that is in front of you. If you take more than your fair share because you feel incomplete, you harm others. Anytime you intentionally harm another, you weaken your own sense of self and hurt the people in your world. When you do this, what you have will be taken from you. How is this possible? This can happen because your self-esteem is damaged, which can cause you to sabotage your good. If you take from others, what you gain will not compare with what you will lose. Anxiety can occur when you hyper focus on unrealistic fears. Fear is an uncreative use of your time. It takes you out of the present moment. When distracted by what ifs, your energy weakens. When in this space, it’s impossible to experience the good feelings reaped from accomplishments. Instead you are caught in a downward spiral of negativity that sweeps you up in the paranoia you think is your reality. To step out of this head space, realize the craziness of what you have allowed yourself to endure. You have unconsciously permitted yourself to waste precious time going down the rabbit hole of self-sabotage. Make a conscious decision to redirect your energy toward celebrating the good that has manifested in your life. Now is the time to get in touch with what really matters to you. When caught in a state of anxiety, take a minute to create a list that you can refer to when you lose track of your real purpose in life. From your list, ask yourself what you need to do to actually manifest your dreams into reality. Write down in order of importance what must be done. When you choose to live true to your higher self, you bless the people in your life. What qualifies as a higher self-activity? A higher self-activity is anything done with a pure intention that is selfless and in alignment with core values which resonate with courage and integrity. Each choice you make helps to create a world of your choosing. If you stress too much about what might happen, you may never act. Stress can be debilitating. Many people reach for their drug of choice to calm the stiffness and tightness that results from concerns that must eventually be dealt with. To lessen the anger and push through the pain, pull yourself up by your boot straps to move in a positive direction. It is easier to continue on a self-sabotaging path than to forge a new one, especially when the payback relieves stress, albeit only for a moment. The cycle of addiction loves the immediate gratification of a familiar treat. However when that treat is over time, debilitating, you are not doing yourself any favor staying stuck in a compulsive behavior. Have the courage to feel the pain and to resist going down the same familiar road that is weakening your immune system. Stand tall and challenge yourself to create healthy habits. Go within to reprogram your subconscious mind. Each time you make positive choices you ingrain new neural pathways in the brain that support the creation of a healthy mindset. Exercise oxygenates the blood with heat pumping exercise that gives you immediate feedback. With this communication, you can monitor how the different choices you make affect your energy levels and productivity. Study new thought – get educated. Learn how to think in a new way that supports living in a highly effective manner. Understand how the subconscious and conscious minds work to influence your thinking. You can use this knowledge to motivate yourself to make positive healthy choices that help to build a strong immune system and brain. Studying new thought helps you to become aware of the consequences to your actions and what you can do to manifest the best outcomes that will bless not only yourself but the world. You will learn to live an authentic life of integrity. Once you learn how to be in charge of your life, anxiety will no longer be a plague that torments you. When you don’t have a handle on your anxiety, it can impair your ability to take positive creative actions. It can affect the brain’s ability to function at a high level. Anxiety can immobilize individuals who hyper-focus on negativity. When your attention is on why something can’t be done, the tendency is to find reasons that support this conclusion. If you have hope and believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, your chances are higher for an impending healing. Remember the saying - “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” knowing that you are not alone on your healing journey can push you toward the building of healthy habits. When you choose to take actions that are helpful and not harmful, the universe rewards you with the experience of grace, self-love, and self-confidence, etc. To recover from debilitating stress, make a decision to accept yourself the way you are in a celebratory declaration that recognizes the spiritual perfection that is you. Know that you are unique and special, destined to express a higher purpose deemed to bless the world. As you enact courageous acts, the people in your world will respect and honor the person you have chosen to become. Because you embody the integrity that aligns with honorable actions, you are rewarded with people who support your grand vision, no matter how small or big it might be. In my past, I experienced a serious trauma that shook my confidence to the core. To overcome the resulting damage to my psyche, I made many attempts to heal, but nothing seemed to work. I never gave up because I wanted to live a normal happy life. Because I failed to gain relief from my suffering, I used a familiar coping mechanism to deal with the state of limbo that manifested in my life. I found comfort in food via an eating disorder called Bulimia, which complicated the healing process. Instead of getting well, I was deteriorating and losing my ability to clearly focus on the matters at hand. My energy, appearance, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-image were all being negatively impacted from my poor choices. As a result of all I had been through, I lost my faith in God and any hope that someday I would feel like my old self. Anxiety plagued my every waking moment. I found it difficult to take the first step that would free me from my self-sabotaging habits. I took steps to heal, but never quite committed to doing what was necessary to experience a complete transformation. Then one day, after coming face to face with some cold hard facts, I experienced a realization of sorts that triggered the answers I needed to hear. It became clear to me that I needed to take responsibility for my choices to move forward in a constructive positive way. To do that entailed recognizing the importance of truly loving myself just the way I was. Through self-acceptance, the urge to binge and purge lessoned and eventually, was eliminated. I found that healthy choices made me stronger in every area of my life. To conquer my addiction to using Bulimia as a means to stay in control of my life, I had to let go and trust and really believe that I would be okay if I put my life in the hands of something I couldn’t see. As soon as I made my first positive choice where I resisted the urge to binge, I used the resulting pain to push me toward creating a better me. The moment I chose to do the right thing, I could sense the love energy from the grace I earned. When this happened, I witnessed an intelligent love energy carrying me who was far greater and more powerful than anyone on earth or for that matter, in the universe. I knew my healing was initiated and being made possible, because I could recognize that God, the intelligence of the universe, is accessible and will help us when we live an authentic virtuous life in the present. I finally understood the underlying spirituality that governs all of life. Once I witnessed the cause and effect of my actions, I knew I must live an intentional life grounded in personal integrity. I had to be my own hero and step up to the plate of personal responsibility. Only then would my anxiety finally dissipate and I would experience the blessings of grace. Grace is the reward of heaven on earth. You receive grace when you do what is right, when no one is looking…when you love everyone in the recognition that all life is God’s life! We are all unique individualizations of the Divine!!! And, so it is. To free yourself from anxiety, begin today to take charge of your life. Start by making decisions aligned with the integrity of your higher self. Ask yourself –
You can heal and manifest a full and rewarding life. But it is up to you to make healthy choices that will bless the world. Have the courage to do what is right regardless of any concerns you may have. When you do this, you set in motion a tornado of energy that creates an intelligent mindset you can navigate to live an adventurous life. To facilitate the healing of your energy body, you can apply spiritual principles to alleviate the uncreative stress of anxiety. Follow the steps below to do a spiritual treatment that will reprogram your subconscious mind. Think of a “treatment” as a reminder that will enable you to remember your spiritual truth. A Spiritual Mind Treatment will assist in bringing you back to your center and help you in every area of your life. Knowing your spiritual truth will set you on a course to live a highly effective, authentic life aligned with the integrity of your higher self.
Now that you know what to do, get ready to feel empowered! Once you experience a personal transformation with your anxiety in check, your energy will be free to give of your time, talent, and treasure. To heal in body, mind, and spirit make a choice, then give the highest and best of yourself in service to a greater vision!
What will you do with your extra energy? What cause will you champion? Just trust and know that you will be divinely guided to give in your own unique and special ways. No gift is too small or insignificant. The gift you give can be a grand gesture or as simple as being a role model to show that good behavior reaps untold benefits in perfect health, loving relationships, prosperity, and more. And last, but not least, when you release all expectations as to what you will manifest from these selfless actions, you will be blessed with a wellspring of grace that lifts the spirit and heals your energy field. Now that your energy is free, what dreams will you choose to visualize and create in your spare time? What steps will you take to manifest this new reality into existence? If you believe this information can benefit anyone in your life, please share it and if you have any questions or concerns please write them in the comment section. Many blessings to all!!! Do you often feel taken advantage of when you help others? If you feel drained emotionally, it is time to take back your power! First of all, no one can take away your power unless you give them permission to do so. If you give them permission, it may be because you feel undeserving of love. This can occur if you are running on old dysfunctional programs you learned while in a hypnagogic state when young. When in this state, you unconsciously accepted what you learned from others. Maybe you were told that you were unlovable or that you would never amount to anything! These kinds of programs can sabotage your ability to live a healthy life. To reverse the damage, you have to unlearn anything that is unproductive, and heal from traumas that have helped to form your personality. To do this you can reprogram your subconscious mind to rewire your brain for success. To help you on your journey toward personal success, it is also important to learn about energy and how your choices affect your life. Within you is an inner guidance system geared to attract the people, places, and opportunities that match what you are all about! What you attract helps to shape your reality in either a negative or positive way. It is up to you to have the courage to make choices that resonate with the integrity of your higher self. High vibrational energy choices help to build a strong foundation upon which to construct a life that is healthy and balanced. However, no matter what out-pictures in your life, everything is in Divine right order. So, resist the urge to judge yourself or others! If your life is out of balance, shift toward accepting yourself just as you are and embody unconditional love for yourself and others. Then, begin again knowing that your life is perfect in its imperfection. Why? Because in my way of thinking, since God is all powerful and all that exists, then everything that manifests is a cell in the body of God, the life force energy of all creation. Meaning that, all life is God’s life, uniquely expressed individually through you and me, in a unity consciousness. What you do to others, you are inexplicably doing to yourself. So treat others the way you would want to be treated! If you don’t, there will be karma to pay! Time waits for no one, and if you squander your life currency on people who are disrespectful and don’t appreciate you, you are “not loving” what God has created…the people in your life and especially, YOU! When in any kind of negative reactionary confrontation, teach individuals how to treat you by thanking them for their suggestions and then excuse yourself. In this way you do not disrespect yourself by participating in conversations that are filled with sarcasm, anger, aggression, and cynicism, etc. When you bow out, you are doing them a favor by setting them free to heal in their own time. It is impossible to change anyone and it is not your responsibility to do so. No matter how much you love and care for others, you can’t force them to love or appreciate you. There is no problem if you desire to help others who are having a difficult time helping themselves. However, you must release all expectations as to what you believe should manifest in their lives. If you become attached to what you think you should receive for your good works, your intentions are not pure and are made from a conditional space that is selfish in nature. This kind of action is self-serving and can sabotage your efforts. If out of insecurity you allow others to take advantage of your good nature and the benefits of such behavior, you may be unintentionally making the choice to be a doormat for others to wipe their feet upon. When you do this, you are allowing others to disregard your value as a human being. In reality, you are not a victim. You only have yourself to blame for not believing in yourself and for permitting them to drain you of your life force energy. When you allow others to disrespect you, you are giving away your power! To regain your self-respect and personal power, make all your choices for the highest good of all concerned. When you honor the people you connect with, they will respond to you in a similar fashion. If for some reason they don’t, do them a favor and set them free to learn their own lessons. When people fail to treat you with kindness, they are disconnected from the source and reacting rather than communicating in a genuine thoughtful manner. Happiness is an inside job that can only be realized when you live true to your values and personal truth. No matter what appears in your life, choose to see it as a blessing rather than a curse. Then, embrace the energy that wells up within you to become proactive and empowered. Feel the pain of personal growth and use it to push you into taking the action steps necessary to live in alignment with your authentic self.
What manifests is determined by your ability to say yes to life, to live your best life now. Stop wallowing in negativity and know that you are right where you need to be. There are no mistakes only challenges that help awaken you to your inner greatness. Make an empowered choice to see the glass half full instead of half empty. Each lesson learned teaches you what works and what doesn’t work in your life. With a heightened awareness, you are better able to make informed decisions. From a place of completeness, shine the light of your new found enlightenment upon your perception to align for success. Stop being a doormat, and choose to salute the Christ within yourself, and every person on your pathway! You were born to bless the world with your gifts!!! The key to manifesting a joyous, wonderful life is held in the attitudes you hold toward what happens to you and within the world. Your consciousness determines the caliber of energy you project, and influences how others see you. When you make a conscious choice to demonstrate an authentic virtuous life of integrity, you step in alignment with your higher self to master the art of living joyously. To realize your full potential, use the power of intention to focus your energy upon that which is for the highest good of all concerned. Even when times appear to be the worst in your life, you can rise up from the ashes like a phoenix to be reborn into a stronger, more alive version of yourself. Each challenge that manifests is perfect for where you are in your development. What you attract into your experience will help you learn what you will need to progress upon the spiritual path. When in pain, it can sometimes feel unrelenting and difficult to believe that a remedy will appear to relieve you of your suffering. When in a situation such as this, it is important to have faith and trust that in time all will be healed. To alleviate suffering, you must raise your vibration through positive self-care and selfless service to experience an increase in endorphins that will take you out of the negative stress of fear and into the positive eustress of gratitude. If you exude negativity from a lack of faith in what will manifest in your future, and are always complaining about your plight in life, others will feel your desperation and the disempowerment you are communicating through the excuses you make for your actions or lack thereof. Your inability to see the part you have played in the dilemmas that have materialized in your life, stops you from taking responsibility for what you have created. When you fail to contribute as an equal partner in your different life experiences, you will not be taken seriously, and others may resist the chance to include you in any new and interesting opportunities that may arise. When you neglect to live up to the expectations you have for yourself, you may push others away, because of an injured self-esteem. As a result, you experience a lack of self-confidence, which colors the self-worth you are now reaping as a result of the inability to attract the good you so desire. This inability to create what your ego believes is deserved, is not representative of the truth of your being. Who you really are is a child of God, and one who is truly blessed just as you are, without the frills society deems an individual needs to claim success. When you do what you can, to the best of your ability, you are free from the karma of the world, and others will feel the integrity of your genuine spiritual nature. To facilitate positive change that supports personal growth, realize that you are perfect in your imperfection. Because the love energy of the Divine is all that exists and is impeccable in every way, so are you in your spiritual essence. As you show love and compassion toward yourself and others, you honor the spirit of the Divine within. What you choose to express in your own unique and creative way, enables you to bless the world. If you buy into lack and limitation and disconnect from the positive flow of life energy, your circuits will become jammed, leaving you to claim victimhood. It is essential to take responsibility, and to resist the urge to blame others for the circumstances you are convinced others have caused. It is important to understand that your thoughts play a tremendous part in creating your reality. Many people are unaware that they were programmed in their childhood and are still carrying around these unconscious ways of viewing the world. In my new book, “The Spiritual Path: How to Create Heaven on Earth,” I share how you can awaken to your spiritual magnificence. I also explain how I came to understand what it means to live life creatively, and how I was set free to take part in a dynamic experiment of learning to live in the eternal now moment! As I worked my way toward healing in body, mind, and spirit, I opened my heart to access the love energy of Divine Intelligence. From my spiritual studies, I understood that with enough faith you can move mountains! Knowing this enabled me to trust in a higher power, and to take positive constructive actions that countered my self-destructiveness. The self-love I embodied helped me to retrain my brain to reprogram my subconscious mind. I anchored the positive emotion of gratitude to curtail fear, anxiety, and worry. Doing this redirected negative energy and transmuted it into a positive force for good. The love energy that was now embedded within my being supported me in building a strong foundation upon which, I could use to reinforce my new energy body with each choice I made. I began an adventure of a lifetime that led me to traveling throughout the United States and Europe to practice the presence of the Divine, as I embraced the freedom to be. This spiritual journey helped me to understand and remember how to live in alignment with values that resonated with the Christ consciousness. Remember… You can practice the Art of Living with these action steps:
2. Love yourself! There is only a temporary state of satisfaction in an addictive world. From this moment on, make choices that are for the highest good of all. – Take steps to heal your body. Nurture yourself with a detox cleanse to empower yourself. 3. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and you will, in turn, be cared for. – When a loved one is sick or troubled, make a pot of soup, deliver it, and share a comforting moment with him or her. 4. Release disrespectful people who are incompatible with you, and your mission in life. Because they are not on the same frequency, they are unable to appreciate your beauty. – Set disrespectful people free. Take a class and meet new friends. 5. Have faith in the Divine to release your fear of success and failure, then let go of any expectations you may have. Know that no matter what happens, all is in Divine right order, and will work out for the highest good of all concerned; then take action. – Make a blueprint for success with a plan of action and start goal setting. Examples, Gym five times a week; superfood-green drink every morning; write five pages in your new book every day, etc. 6. Believe in yourself to celebrate your uniqueness! Accept the task to plant your seeds of greatness! – Start a business that will help the community. 7. Embrace your mission, your purpose in life, and know that you are meant to succeed and bless the world. – Share messages of empowerment through your website or a weekly podcast. 8. Let Spirit be your guide to attract to you the people, places, and opportunities that resonate with your vision. – Meditate, create a vision board, and join Meetup groups with people who share similar interests. 9. Listen to the still small voice within to gain the wisdom necessary to become balanced in body, mind, and spirit. As a balanced individual, you have the ability to create an integrated spiritual world where personal fulfillment is possible. – Take a yoga class, read a spiritual book on the virtues, attend church, go to the beach, camp out under the stars, follow your heart. Become a spiritual activist for a cause that resonates with your true purpose in life. 10. Recognize God as the life force energy that encompasses all of creation. You are an individualization of this love energy, the intelligence that keeps order throughout the Universe. Know that because God is love and truly is all that exists, heaven is your reality now! – Follow your Bliss! Fall in love, unconditionally love your neighbor, paint a picture, travel, give and then give some more in unique and satisfying ways. As you live creatively in this now moment, make a decision to refuse to play your old broken record of complaints and excuses. Now is all there is, so live life to the fullest by becoming all that you can be. Experience is the best teacher, so dip your toe in the exhilarating waters that support the celebration of being your personal best. You can learn by doing, a step at a time, or just jump right it. It can't hurt to try, but if you don’t ever attempt to step outside of your comfort zone, you will never know the bliss of discovering the sweetness of life, as it shines the warmth of the sun’s rays upon your skin!
The unknown is the fun part of your journey toward personal discovery. Wake up and play. Dance to the beat of your own drummer, and celebrate the life you were blessed to receive. As you radiate the emotions of the heart, this coherent energy will transform your reality into a new world that resonates true with the integrity of your higher self. Let the adventure begin, as you master the art of living blissfully in this now moment! It is your turn to light the eternal flame of love, to transform your reality into the experience of heaven on earth! What will you do to begin your journey toward mastering the art of living joyously?
![]() This paradigm shifting guidebook will help seekers usher in a new era of consciousness by awakening self-love through spiritual enlightenment to facilitate a healthy balanced life, free of addiction.
AuthorLily Rose was born and raised in Southern California, and lived in the San Fernando Valley for most of her adult life. She is the oldest of eight children. For eight years Lily taught in Los Angeles schools. For the past twenty years, Lily Rose has been a licensed, ordained Center for Spiritual Living minister. Since 1998, she has been helping to awaken her clients to their “spiritual magnificence.” Archives
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