Everyone wants to be loved by that special someone. For this to happen, you must know what you want, and be an example of the qualities you desire in others. If spirituality is important to you, then you might want to emulate the virtues of those who strive to make the world a better place. When I was younger, I asked a boyfriend what he valued in the person he hoped to marry. I requested that he make a list of ten things in order of importance to show the qualities most important to him. Unfortunately, I was disappointed in what he had written. He didn’t take my request seriously and only wrote one thing, which was overall, quite materialistic and revealed much about his character. I encouraged him to add to the list, but he refused. He wasn’t interested in what mattered to me. This exercise helped me to see that he wasn’t ready for a commitment. Whether it was because he wasn’t interested or because he felt inadequate for one reason or another, is neither here nor there. I made a decision to move on. I didn’t want to waste any more of my time on a relationship that appeared to be going nowhere. It doesn’t pay to analyze every nuance to make yourself feel better, when something doesn’t go your way. I listened to my gut feeling when assessing how to approach this serious life changing decision. Because his answer was so shallow and lacked any depth or concern for my feelings, I lost all interest in pursuing a relationship with him. This showed me that he really wasn’t in the market to have a relationship with me or perhaps anyone else at this time in his life. If he really cared, he would have taken my request more seriously, and attempted to share what he wanted in a life partner. To manifest a healthy relationship, it is good to be on the same page as your prospective suitor. If you can learn what is important to them early on, you can save yourself a lot of time and energy. If you don’t have similar values, you may not be able to bridge this gap of dissimilarities. If you fail to clarify wants and desires, and ultimately their intent, you could end up struggling to build an emotional connection and be unable to connect on a heart level. Know that some people will never understand you or relate to the inner workings of your soul, and that is okay. Trust and know that the right and ideal people will gravitate toward your energy and appreciate you just the way you are. When you aspire to align yourself with other spiritually like-minded individuals who wish to live their lives doing that which is for the highest good of all concerned, you create an emotionally strong foundation for healthy relationships to blossom. It is good to surround yourself with individuals who understand the importance of being kind and compassionate to everyone. If the people you interact with fail this test, think twice before spending too much time with them. All of God’s creatures are worthy of love, but not everyone will be compatible enough to earn a seat at your table. You only have so much time and energy to devote to the people in your life. With this in mind, consider your options and make wise choices. While you can only spend quality time with a small group of chosen individuals, treat everyone with respect, as they are still individualizations of the Divine, regardless of intentions held and actions taken. Relationships are important, for no man or woman is an island unto him or herself. However, without unconditional love for all and concern for your fellow man, your foundation will disintegrate, leaving you alone and lost even if you are surrounded by the most incredible audience of peers. How you attain your peers is vital to the health of your energy body. If you force others to spend time with you through your means of choice, the outcome will be less than desirable. By obsessing on problems that have left a bad taste in your mouth, you sabotage your present. This negative use of your precious energy weakens your energy field and causes you to not be able to see the forest before the trees. If your attention is on what you don’t want, you will get more of the same! So, if a relationship is draining your energy, stop trying to fix it. You can’t change anyone. Instead, focus on what is right with them, and express gratitude over those things they contribute that you appreciate. When you do this, you take back your power and redirect your energy toward those things you can do something about. Then you will be free to express unconditional love, without the need to fix or change the people in your relationships. You can love them even though they have failed to appreciate your greatness in the ways you desire. Expressing love to people does not mean that you have to invest time and include them in you daily life, especially after connecting on a deep level with them. Once you become disinterested in what they are all about, go your own merry way. When you do this you free their energy, so they can experience someone who does appreciate their unique qualities. Doing so creates a space for you to attract the people and opportunities that resonate with the integrity you are now living in what has become your authentic life. Don’t engage in egoist mind games that serve to unconsciously or consciously manipulate others through blame, guilt, and fear tactics. If you get caught up in these types of tactless conversations, excuse yourself, otherwise you will enable the persecutor to avoid responsibility for his or her, own bad behavior. Through the creation of crazy making energy, an individual such as this will attempt to soothe the ego in a play to feel good about him or herself, at your expense. To have a spiritual relationship requires that each partner love one another unconditionally without strings attached. Ideally, one would hope that each would choose to be in a monogamous relationship, to celebrate and embrace the specialness that drew them together and caused them to connect at the heart level. This kind of compatibility works, because when two people embody virtuous qualities, their integrity builds a field of high energy filled with grace that blesses them with an expanding state of consciousness. This new attained state of awareness assists in guiding them toward making the best possible decisions that are for the highest good of all concerned. When couples practice the presence of the Christ, they are rewarded for doing that which is honorable and respectful. They feel deserving and open to the good that is everywhere present. And, as a result, they accept their good because they have earned a healthy self-esteem that enables them to feel worthy of receiving untold blessings. Because they are now open, the unknown can reveal itself and bless them with the sweetness of life. They are ready to step into the flow of the eternal now to experience the newness of creation. As they live this spontaneous experience, opportunities avail themselves in an exciting synchronistic reveal, enabling them to glorify the Divine. As they accept and trust in this flow of energy, their faith and love is rewarded with a gift that allows them to hit the bliss point of euphoria to manifest pure happiness! Now that you have a better idea as to how to bond spiritually with your partner, take what you have learned, and go forward to bless your relationship!
Not sure what to do? Well, ask yourself the following: Will you try to change your significant other? Or, will you accept him or her, and work on yourself? Will you release your loved one if he or she doesn’t live up to your expectations, or will you accept and love him or her the way he or she is? Will you compromise your values? Or, will you have faith and trust in the process, to release and allow him or her to go his or her own way? When you choose to let him or her go, are you doing it for the right reason? Do you want what is right for him or her, as well as for yourself? Do you feel insecure, selfish, or unselfish? Are you ready to move on to attract the right and ideal spiritual partner that has similar core values as yourself? Or, will you stay and nurture your relationship? These are valuable questions to ask, and important to ponder, before you make a decision that could change your relationship. Please share your questions and thoughts in the comment section below. Thank you, and many blessings to all!!!
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![]() This paradigm shifting guidebook will help seekers usher in a new era of consciousness by awakening self-love through spiritual enlightenment to facilitate a healthy balanced life, free of addiction.
AuthorLily Rose was born and raised in Southern California, and lived in the San Fernando Valley for most of her adult life. She is the oldest of eight children. For eight years Lily taught in Los Angeles schools. For the past twenty years, Lily Rose has been a licensed, ordained Center for Spiritual Living minister. Since 1998, she has been helping to awaken her clients to their “spiritual magnificence.” Archives
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