The key to manifesting a joyous, wonderful life is held in the attitudes you hold toward what happens to you and within the world. Your consciousness determines the caliber of energy you project, and influences how others see you. When you make a conscious choice to demonstrate an authentic virtuous life of integrity, you step in alignment with your higher self to master the art of living joyously. To realize your full potential, use the power of intention to focus your energy upon that which is for the highest good of all concerned. Even when times appear to be the worst in your life, you can rise up from the ashes like a phoenix to be reborn into a stronger, more alive version of yourself. Each challenge that manifests is perfect for where you are in your development. What you attract into your experience will help you learn what you will need to progress upon the spiritual path. When in pain, it can sometimes feel unrelenting and difficult to believe that a remedy will appear to relieve you of your suffering. When in a situation such as this, it is important to have faith and trust that in time all will be healed. To alleviate suffering, you must raise your vibration through positive self-care and selfless service to experience an increase in endorphins that will take you out of the negative stress of fear and into the positive eustress of gratitude. If you exude negativity from a lack of faith in what will manifest in your future, and are always complaining about your plight in life, others will feel your desperation and the disempowerment you are communicating through the excuses you make for your actions or lack thereof. Your inability to see the part you have played in the dilemmas that have materialized in your life, stops you from taking responsibility for what you have created. When you fail to contribute as an equal partner in your different life experiences, you will not be taken seriously, and others may resist the chance to include you in any new and interesting opportunities that may arise. When you neglect to live up to the expectations you have for yourself, you may push others away, because of an injured self-esteem. As a result, you experience a lack of self-confidence, which colors the self-worth you are now reaping as a result of the inability to attract the good you so desire. This inability to create what your ego believes is deserved, is not representative of the truth of your being. Who you really are is a child of God, and one who is truly blessed just as you are, without the frills society deems an individual needs to claim success. When you do what you can, to the best of your ability, you are free from the karma of the world, and others will feel the integrity of your genuine spiritual nature. To facilitate positive change that supports personal growth, realize that you are perfect in your imperfection. Because the love energy of the Divine is all that exists and is impeccable in every way, so are you in your spiritual essence. As you show love and compassion toward yourself and others, you honor the spirit of the Divine within. What you choose to express in your own unique and creative way, enables you to bless the world. If you buy into lack and limitation and disconnect from the positive flow of life energy, your circuits will become jammed, leaving you to claim victimhood. It is essential to take responsibility, and to resist the urge to blame others for the circumstances you are convinced others have caused. It is important to understand that your thoughts play a tremendous part in creating your reality. Many people are unaware that they were programmed in their childhood and are still carrying around these unconscious ways of viewing the world. In my new book, “The Spiritual Path: How to Create Heaven on Earth,” I share how you can awaken to your spiritual magnificence. I also explain how I came to understand what it means to live life creatively, and how I was set free to take part in a dynamic experiment of learning to live in the eternal now moment! As I worked my way toward healing in body, mind, and spirit, I opened my heart to access the love energy of Divine Intelligence. From my spiritual studies, I understood that with enough faith you can move mountains! Knowing this enabled me to trust in a higher power, and to take positive constructive actions that countered my self-destructiveness. The self-love I embodied helped me to retrain my brain to reprogram my subconscious mind. I anchored the positive emotion of gratitude to curtail fear, anxiety, and worry. Doing this redirected negative energy and transmuted it into a positive force for good. The love energy that was now embedded within my being supported me in building a strong foundation upon which, I could use to reinforce my new energy body with each choice I made. I began an adventure of a lifetime that led me to traveling throughout the United States and Europe to practice the presence of the Divine, as I embraced the freedom to be. This spiritual journey helped me to understand and remember how to live in alignment with values that resonated with the Christ consciousness. Remember… You can practice the Art of Living with these action steps:
2. Love yourself! There is only a temporary state of satisfaction in an addictive world. From this moment on, make choices that are for the highest good of all. – Take steps to heal your body. Nurture yourself with a detox cleanse to empower yourself. 3. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and you will, in turn, be cared for. – When a loved one is sick or troubled, make a pot of soup, deliver it, and share a comforting moment with him or her. 4. Release disrespectful people who are incompatible with you, and your mission in life. Because they are not on the same frequency, they are unable to appreciate your beauty. – Set disrespectful people free. Take a class and meet new friends. 5. Have faith in the Divine to release your fear of success and failure, then let go of any expectations you may have. Know that no matter what happens, all is in Divine right order, and will work out for the highest good of all concerned; then take action. – Make a blueprint for success with a plan of action and start goal setting. Examples, Gym five times a week; superfood-green drink every morning; write five pages in your new book every day, etc. 6. Believe in yourself to celebrate your uniqueness! Accept the task to plant your seeds of greatness! – Start a business that will help the community. 7. Embrace your mission, your purpose in life, and know that you are meant to succeed and bless the world. – Share messages of empowerment through your website or a weekly podcast. 8. Let Spirit be your guide to attract to you the people, places, and opportunities that resonate with your vision. – Meditate, create a vision board, and join Meetup groups with people who share similar interests. 9. Listen to the still small voice within to gain the wisdom necessary to become balanced in body, mind, and spirit. As a balanced individual, you have the ability to create an integrated spiritual world where personal fulfillment is possible. – Take a yoga class, read a spiritual book on the virtues, attend church, go to the beach, camp out under the stars, follow your heart. Become a spiritual activist for a cause that resonates with your true purpose in life. 10. Recognize God as the life force energy that encompasses all of creation. You are an individualization of this love energy, the intelligence that keeps order throughout the Universe. Know that because God is love and truly is all that exists, heaven is your reality now! – Follow your Bliss! Fall in love, unconditionally love your neighbor, paint a picture, travel, give and then give some more in unique and satisfying ways. As you live creatively in this now moment, make a decision to refuse to play your old broken record of complaints and excuses. Now is all there is, so live life to the fullest by becoming all that you can be. Experience is the best teacher, so dip your toe in the exhilarating waters that support the celebration of being your personal best. You can learn by doing, a step at a time, or just jump right it. It can't hurt to try, but if you don’t ever attempt to step outside of your comfort zone, you will never know the bliss of discovering the sweetness of life, as it shines the warmth of the sun’s rays upon your skin!
The unknown is the fun part of your journey toward personal discovery. Wake up and play. Dance to the beat of your own drummer, and celebrate the life you were blessed to receive. As you radiate the emotions of the heart, this coherent energy will transform your reality into a new world that resonates true with the integrity of your higher self. Let the adventure begin, as you master the art of living blissfully in this now moment! It is your turn to light the eternal flame of love, to transform your reality into the experience of heaven on earth! What will you do to begin your journey toward mastering the art of living joyously?
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This paradigm shifting guidebook will help seekers usher in a new era of consciousness by awakening self-love through spiritual enlightenment to facilitate a healthy balanced life, free of addiction.
AuthorLily Rose was born and raised in Southern California, and lived in the San Fernando Valley for most of her adult life. She is the oldest of eight children. For eight years Lily taught in Los Angeles schools. For the past twenty years, Lily Rose has been a licensed, ordained Center for Spiritual Living minister. Since 1998, she has been helping to awaken her clients to their “spiritual magnificence.” Archives
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