The experience of real bliss is a gift that is delivered to humankind, when you shift your attention from the external to the internal, to hear the inner whisperings of spirit. As you listen to the wisdom of the Divine, you are guided to clear the path to do that which is for the highest good of all concerned in all of your interactions. As the author of, “The Spiritual Path: How to Create Heaven on Earth,” I learned early on the importance of living a simple life and how it enables you to develop the emotional intelligence needed to connect with others to build healthy, happy, loving relationships. When your life is simple, you have time to live in harmony with the people you care about. It is a good thing to have financial stability, but if it is attained as a result of working at a job you hate, you must believe in yourself and have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone to make a change. If your job is not in alignment with your values, you will be compromising your integrity, and will sabotage your happiness. So be careful what you wish for! Whatever you create, you will have to be responsible for it. If you buy more than is comfortable to pay for, you will still need to send money to your creditors until you no longer owe them. If your mental, emotional, and spiritual headspace is uncluttered and peaceful, your heart will be open and able to express your creative genius in your own unique and special ways. An uncluttered, virtuous mind is attractive to the multitudes, and resonates a frequency of energy that emanates peace, joy, and love. When you exude a consciousness that seeks to give to others, you draw to you exactly what you need. You attract the people and opportunities that vibrate in sync with your heart energy. When you feel in coherence with the life you have created, the foundation you have built will stand the test of time, and allow you to create at a higher level. From this place of stability, your passion is ignited to live a heartfelt purposeful existence. When free from the clutter of stuff that competes for your time, treasure, talent, and space, you become emotionally available to express your inner child. This freedom allows you to play and open your heart to live a highly effective life, free from the inner distractions created from a mindset of insecurity and fear. The world is your oyster! But, somehow humanity has bought into a mindset of more is better and that you will only have success if you can keep up with the Jones’s. This mentality traps you into thinking that you will only find happiness if you can achieve fame, fortune, and look like a celebrity. To break free from this limited way of perceiving the world, realize that you don’t need anything to make you more beautiful as a person than you already are. In fact, if you are obsessed with obtaining what is outside of yourself, this preoccupation will cripple your ability to get what you really want. Your beliefs of lack and limitation will sabotage any possibility of manifesting real happiness, and will act as an energy deterrent to push others away. Because you don’t feel content with what you have, what you have will eventually be taken away, in one way or another, from a lack of appreciation. Essentially, it is vital to love and nurture yourself to have a good life. However, when you do it at the expense of others in inconsiderate ways that are irresponsible and uncaring, then you are caught in a maze of your own insecurities that are calling the shots, making you act in unkind and disconnected ways. Your actions may create what looks like a wonderful life, but what actually manifests is something to cover up the lack of confidence you have in the person you have become. As a result of your so-called good intentions to fix what you internally believed was broken, you made matters worse. You complicated your life by piling mountains of distractions upon your life force energy that in the long run, has weakened your ability to live a highly effective life of integrity. When you value relationships, self-care, and experiences over the accumulation of external material trappings, you opt for a more optimal existence. If you fail to release your addictive need to boost your ego with more fluff, you will be forced to maintain what you have created. Have you ever noticed how excited you feel after finding something you really like when shopping? You bring home your booty, proud of your purchases, and then put them away, and in some cases, they sit in a drawer never to be used. The sensation of finding something special makes you temporarily happy, but is not the source of true happiness. As a young girl my grandmother encouraged me to be frugal and mindful with resources. “Waste not, want not!” she would say. This saying is really a good motto to live your life by. Quality over quantity feeds the soul spiritual sustenance, and promotes a life of real meaning and fulfillment. If you feel undeserving of the good you have manifested, you may reject opportunities to indulge in the finer things of life. When you get caught up in fixing what is already perfect in the mind of God, you cheat yourself out of valuable time that could be better spent having fun exploring your gifts. Because of scattered energy, you waste vitality running from one task to another, while resisting the need to emotionally connect with the present, and the people waiting to share their lives with you. Unnecessary purchases can distract you from real responsibility to your higher self and keep you from following your dreams. Debt can suffocate the free spirit within, ultimately causing you to spin your wheels and go in circles, leaving you with less to show for your efforts. Of course it is okay to shop, but be wise with your purchases, and delegate your time to connect with what you truly value. Look within to discover that which excites and inspires you to become your personal best. Life is an adventure that enables you to give the highest and best of yourself to the world! If you feel disconnected from your higher purpose, reel your emotions in to appreciate the life you have created, and then reassess where you are doing yourself and others a disservice. Regardless of the circumstances that have materialized in your reality, be true to yourself by making the choice to live an authentic life of integrity. To attain this level of integrity, anchor thoughts of gratitude whenever anxiety, fear, or worry attempt to hijack your happiness. Turn within to connect to thoughts that resonate with your personal truth. Consciously align with core values that support your efforts to demonstrate an honest, reliable, and simple lifestyle. Ask yourself, “Am I chasing after the wrong kind of happiness? What do I need to live a full and rewarding life?” Will the people I care about feel that I am a dependable person and someone whom they can count on when times get tough? Or…will they sense that I am oblivious to their concerns when they see how I am preoccupied and consumed with my own pursuits? Have the courage to live true to your authentic self and celebrate the life you were blessed to receive. Accept the challenge to cut through the clutter to be free from the trivial diversions that are keeping you from getting in touch with your higher purpose! When you are passionate about a particular cause that aligns with your values, it no longer feels like work. Instead you feel at home and eager to be of service to the world. It is now time for you to embody your vision with a sense of clarity that will assist you in radiating love energy out to the universe! Break free from the mediocrity that has numbed your heart to passion, and let life force energy compound to strengthen your energy field. Connect with the emotions of the heart to embody courageous energy, and then take back your power to live an enlightened authentic life. Embrace each new day on your journey as you become a better version of yourself, capable of inspiring the masses to do the right thing at all times, regardless of circumstances.
You are now and have always been, perfect in your imperfection. You are an individualization of the Divine, free to experience all that you are meant to be. Cut through the clutter that is clogging your senses, and step on the spiritual path to experience heaven on earth! What will you do to shatter the veil of materialism to align with your values and simplify your life?
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This paradigm shifting guidebook will help seekers usher in a new era of consciousness by awakening self-love through spiritual enlightenment to facilitate a healthy balanced life, free of addiction.
AuthorLily Rose was born and raised in Southern California, and lived in the San Fernando Valley for most of her adult life. She is the oldest of eight children. For eight years Lily taught in Los Angeles schools. For the past twenty years, Lily Rose has been a licensed, ordained Center for Spiritual Living minister. Since 1998, she has been helping to awaken her clients to their “spiritual magnificence.” Archives
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